Write your message to Aldi supermarket and Storck!
For five years Storck has won the prize for worst chocolate producer and has ignored demands from around the world to make better chocolate. Now we'll strike where it hurts and go after Storck’s profits.
Storck gets to sell its chocolate in one of Europe’s largest supermarkets: Aldi. So we will put pressure on Aldi to keep Storck’s products off its shelves, until it ends child labour and deforestation throughout its supply chain.
We’ll send them a clear message that we don’t want to shop for nightmare chocolate and curb Storck’s sales - hitting them right in the wallet. We need as many people as possible to contact Aldi, and if thousands of us flood their inbox with calls to drop Storck, they won’t be able to ignore us.
Some tips to help you along the way:
- Write it like you would any letter, starting with addressing Aldi and Storck and ending by signing off with your name
- Be personal: Talk about why you care about this. Big bosses are human beings too! We know that personal messages are a good way to get through to them
- Keep it polite: People are much more likely to respond to a friendly message
- Ask them for a commitment to respond to your message
Talking points:
- Mention how you know Aldi sells Storck products and you are concerned about Storck’s shoddy reputation of destroying rainforests, refusing to pay farmers a living wage and using child labour. And that nothing seems to be changing, even though they have won the chocolate industry’s rotten egg award five years in a row. See www.chocolatescorecard.com
- Mention why you think it is important that Europeans consume fair and green products.
- Aldi’s top rating in the chocolate scorecard and clear commitment to fair and green chocolate strongly clashes with them still selling Storck products.
- Ask them to demand that Storck fixes its chocolate supply chain to produce chocolate free from exploitation and destruction and suspends the stocking of its products until it has improved.
To Aldi Europe and Storck