Send an email to key French ministers now!

Here’s a few ideas you could use in your email: 

  • Health: Talk about the dangers of glyphosate to our health, for example how it’s been linked to cancer. Explain how this pesticide is harmful to human beings and the importance of protecting ourselves and future generations from its harmful effects on our health.
  • Environment: Mention the negative impact glyphosate has on nature and emphasise how it’s causing a decline in our bee  population. Highlight how this pesticide harms bees - vital pollinators for our ecosystem - and disrupts the delicate balance of nature. Stress the urgency that if we want to preserve biodiversity and protect our environment, we need to ban glyphosate.
  • Bayer-Monsanto’s lobbying: Shed light on the unethical conduct of companies like Bayer-Monsanto. Explain how these companies attempt to manipulate public opinion and regulatory decisions through false claims and deceptive studies. 
  • Alternatives exist:  We need funding and support for research programs aimed at helping farmers make the switch. Sustainable agriculture practices that protect both human health and the environment are the only way forward. Encourage your ministers to allocate resources to these initiatives for the benefit of all.


Tips on how to craft your message: 

  • KEEP IT POLITE: Ministers are much more likely to respond to a polite message.
  • MAKE IT PERSONAL: Talk about why this topic is important to you. Decision-makers are human beings too! We know that personal messages are a good way to get through to them. 
  • ASK FOR A COMMITMENT: Ask ministers to vote for a ban at the next decisive meeting happening on the 16th of November. 
  • ASK FOR A RESPONSE: It’s always worth making clear that you’d like them to consider your message and respond.

To key French ministers

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