Recognise the Palestinian voice and future!

To the European Commission, European Parliament, European Council and European Member States
Help make safety and peace possible for the people of Palestine and Israel. Recognise the state of Palestine and actively engage in ensuring a two state solution.
Why is this important?
We all want to live in a world built on peace, respect and dignity. A world where air raid sirens and screams of pain or hunger no longer punctuate the spring morning air. A world where you can tuck your children in at night, safe in the knowledge you will be there for them tomorrow.
To end the horrors in Gaza, the Westbank, and Israel, - everyone needs a place to belong and an equal voice. But Palestinians are not recognised as a people. And so they are denied a voice in conversations about how to end the violence today or rebuild their homes tomorrow.
Over half the world acknowledges the Palestinian people’s right to belong in a state of their own. [1] But Europe is one of the major nay-sayers. By the end of last year, only 9 out of 27 countries in the EU recognised Palestine as a state. [2]
And yet, a wind of change is blowing. Spain, Ireland and Norway recognised the state of Palestine as the “only way to achieve peace” also following pressure from this community. [3]
We need to seize this moment and speak out for lasting peace. International pressure is mounting on the Israeli government to respect international law and agree to a ceasefire.[4] While our governments are being pushed by countries like Spain to recognise Palestine, they need to hear from us that this is what their voters want too.
At moments like this, rising up together can change the tide of history. But it’ll take all of us coming together to push the final dominos over in Europe and be a force for peace.
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