No toxic mineral oils in our food!

To the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, and to relevant ministries in EU member states
This petition is run by [% inititator_name %]
We ask you to take the following urgent actions:
1. Immediately recall any products tested positive for contamination by toxic aromatic mineral oils (MOAH).
2. Adopt a zero-tolerance rule for toxic MOAH contamination across the EU in ALL food categories, by prohibiting any detectable presence of MOAH with the most refined analytical methodology.
Why is this important?
What did you have for breakfast today? Whether it was buttered toast, cereal, or a chocolate sandwich, there’s a good chance a careless food company has polluted it with toxic mineral oils (MOAH) that could cause cancer. [1]
Food giants let these dangerous oils slip into our food when producing our supermarket products - often from the packaging they wrap our food in. They know these toxic oils end up in our bodies - but they ignore the health risks in order to protect their profits. Toxic mineral oils were found in nearly half of the rice, pasta and other daily staples as cornflakes tested in France, Germany and the Netherlands. [2]
After pressure from people like you, the European Commission has taken notice and put together a proposal that could ban these toxic mineral oils from our food.
But our food is far from safe. Food giants are going into lobbying overdrive, having meetings with the Commission as you read this. Which is why we need to match their efforts with pressure from all corners of Europe, demanding zero tolerance for toxic mineral oils in our food.
Will you add your voice so that you no longer have to worry whether your breakfast is safe to eat?
Sources of mineral oil contamination can be from the machines and procedures used during harvesting and processing of food, or also from food packaging.