Ban toxic pesticides!

To the European Commission
We call on you to put the health of people and ecosystems over big agribusiness interests, and put in place an ambitious and binding pesticides reduction plan in line with the goals set forth in the Green Deal. We call on you to ensure the EU is free of synthetic pesticides by 2035.
Why is this important?
Toxic pesticides that cause cancer are in our air, food, and water — but the EU is doing nothing about it.
It’s proven that these pesticides cause deadly conditions. [1] But even though there are safe alternatives, they’re sprayed in the parks we relax in, the roadsides we walk down, and even our children’s playgrounds. [2] [3]
We can get the EU to ban them, if we move quickly. It’s now - just after the European elections - that EU leaders agree plans for the next five years.
The EU’s promised to before, but caved in to big business. [4] This time, we must flood them with all of our voices.