Hands off the seals!

To the European Commission
We call on the European Union to protect seals from unsustainable and cruel commercial hunting by maintaining the 2009 regulation banning trade in seal products in the EU.
Why is this important?
We thought seals were finally safe. Safe from hunters brutally killing them for their oil, meat and fur. But these friendly animals are facing new threats. [1]
Right now, the European Commission is considering whether to keep seal products off our shelves. But the governments of many countries, like Canada, are working hard to ensure they bring them back. [2] This would lead to large scale seal hunting once again.
But we can still stop this before it's too late.
The original ban on seal products was the result of tens of thousands of Europeans coming together. [3] We did it once, we can do it again. If we show that tens of thousands of us demand the protection of seals, it will be hard for the Commission to ignore us.
- https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/european-union-reviewing-sealskin-ban-1.7234045
- https://polarjournal.ch/en/2024/08/21/eu-ban-on-seal-products-sparks-heated-reactions-14000-replies-to-public-hearing/
- Among the civil society organisations are: International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), Greenpeace and Humane Society International (HSI) https://www.ifaw.org/international/journal/eu-seal-trade-regulation-celebrated-not-evaluated