EU border chief, resign after human rights abuses

To Fabrice Leggeri, Director of FRONTEX
We hereby call on you, Fabrice Leggeri, to resign immediately as Director of FRONTEX.
Why is this important?
The allegations are shocking: EU agency FRONTEX helped Greek border guards act like pirates. They attacked migrants in unstable boats, forcing them away from EU waters, to be left stranded at sea. The investigations show FRONTEX also witnessed numerous other violent incidents, and tried to cover them up. [1]
The Director of FRONTEX, Fabrice Leggeri, is personally implicated: he knew about the abuse and violations of human rights and lied to Parliament. [2] At the beginning of December he was grilled by MEPs again, but he’s refusing to accept any responsibility and is resisting calls to resign. [3]
Journalists have worked tirelessly to uncover the abuses. MEPs are calling for him to resign. [4] Even FRONTEX officials themselves are leaking details of violations! But the voices of outrage from citizens like us are missing. Will you join me in calling on Leggeri to resign?
Even after Leggeri is gone, huge problems with FRONTEX will remain. It has always been a problematic organisation. It operates in a legal gray area with no way to hold it to account. Getting rid of Leggeri can only be a first step, but it’s a crucial one if we’re going to have any chance of abolishing FRONTEX at all.
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