Defend our health, fight Big Meat

To the European Parliament, European Commission and Council of the European Union
We call on the EU to:
- Put a healthy and sustainable food system back on the agenda, one that puts citizens and small farmers at the centre of reform,
- Protect the health of European communities by setting reduction targets and action plans for pollutants, like methane, and move away from industrial agriculture,
- Ensure taxpayer money is funding the right actions in the food system, such as emissions reduction and a shift to healthier diets, through the reform of the CAP,
- People’s needs and health must be prioritised over company profits. Polluter pays and pollution prevention principles must be implemented.
Why is this important?
The EU is missing out on a huge opportunity to fix our food system.
Scientific experts, over 130 civil society organisations and the EU’s own advisors have been urging the EU to give more consideration to ensure a healthy and sustainable food system for all. [1] And yet, public money continues to go towards the Big Meat and Dairy industry, a whopping €302.8 billion per year - 80% of all farming subsidies. For every €4 in taxes to the EU, nearly €1 ends up in the hands of a small number of industrial animal agriculture giants. [2,3,4]
As the EU’s largest source of methane emissions, industrial animal agriculture pollutes our air and drives excessive consumption of red and processed meat—posing a double threat to the health of people and the planet. [5,6] Meanwhile, European farmers are being devastated by the impacts of global heating. Small farmers must be supported to diversify their systems and build resilience and your voice is essential to remind the EU that there is another way.
As EU citizens, we demand action for a food transformation that benefits everyone. There is a huge opportunity for policymakers in the EU to support small farmers and consumers alike, ensuring healthy food and farming are on the menu for all.
The enormous economic benefits of reducing overconsumption of meat and dairy and ensuring more plant-rich diets have been proven over and over. It has the potential to save up to €1.3 trillion annually (more than three times the size of the full EU farming budget). [7] Reducing reliance on meat and dairy can save millions in healthcare costs [8], reduce super pollutants like methane contributing to global heating [9], and feed 4 times as many people with the same amount of land all while strengthening the position of European farmers who are heavily reliant on feed imports for livestock. [10,11]
What you eat as a European is not simply a “free choice”, it’s determined by policy, availability, price, and advertising. Just like Big Oil and Tobacco before them, Big Meat and Dairy are using dirty tricks, from direct lobbying of Commissioners, fearmongering and intimidation, and hiding behind other crises like the war in Ukraine to maintain the status quo.
Together, we can push back against the pressure EU policy makers face from the Big Meat and Dairy lobby with a powerful show of people power. There is another future on the table and we can no longer afford to stand still. Sign the petition now.
Changing Markets Foundation’s research shows how the powerful meat and dairy industry derailed food and farming legislation intended to protect your local environment, health and mitigate climate change. The report, The New Merchants of Doubt, reveals the dirty tricks Big Meat and Dairy use: from direct lobbying of Commissioners, fearmongering and intimidation, and hiding behind other crises like the war in Ukraine to stop any climate action. [12] It is using the same tactics as Big Oil to get us hooked on unhealthy diets and keep making gigantic profits.
With a new Parliament in Brussels, we know that food and farming will be high on the EU agenda. Political parties will try to position themselves as the party of farmers, good food and defenders of rural communities. As the new Commission assumes office, we must call on MEPs and Commissioners to uphold and prioritise policies that protect your health and the health of the planet.
The recent Strategic Dialogue between green NGOs, farmers’ unions, consumer groups, and industry actors, agreed “business as usual is not an option”. [13]
[2] The EU has made polluting diets “artificially cheap” by pumping four times more money into farming animals than growing plants, research has found. More than 80% of the public money given to farmers through the EU’s common agriculture policy (CAP) went to animal products in 2013 despite the damage they do to society, according to a study in Nature Food. 2013 was the latest year with full data. Newer studies with partial data still show a huge bias towards animal food production over plant food production. Read the full 2024 Guardian summary article here Background reading: 2024 Nature Food publication
[3] 3,5% of the 'farmers' own more than 50% of the agricultural land in Europe and the EU budget of agriculture is handed out based on the area of land a farmer owns rather than whether they need the support. That means that the rich land owners get richer, and small-scale farmers are left behind. Find stats on the EU here and refer to this Article from the Guardian, exposing how much tax-payers money ends up in the pocket of the rich or even ultra rich (billionaires).
[5] Europeans eat much more meat and dairy than the recommended healthy levels, which increases our risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes and premature death. And the livestock sector is responsible for 20 percent of all global greenhouse emissions and about a third of all methane emissions.
[7] In 2022, the economic costs of animal-based food production and consumption in the EU, including its impact on animal welfare, human health, climate, land use, water and air pollution, amounted to €3 trillion — over seven times the economic costs of their production and consumption. A scenario with healthier and more plant-based diets could save 43% of these externalities, amounting to €1.3 trillion annually, according to FAO data from 2020.
[8] 2024 official report shared by the EU. The GBD study estimates that, in the European Union in 2019, over 800 000 deaths and over 14 million lost “healthy years of life” (DALY’s) are attributable to unhealthy diets. There is medical consensus that increasing our uptake of plant-based foods and proteins would benefit our health: E.g. pointed out in the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Global Burden of Disease Study (2019), see in particular:
[9] A 2020 report by Greenpeace, in collaboration with the European ENvironmental Agency (EEA), overproduction and consumption of animal products must be addressed to avoid climate breakdown. The scale of the problem means that the EU cannot reach the goals of the Paris climate agreement, without a transition or a reduction in farmed animals. Check out this article for additional context.
[10] 40% of European land dedicated to agriculture—ten times more than all urban and man-made areas combined— according to the latest official land cover statistics from the EU. New numbers to be released in 2025
Energy efficiency (calories) and protein efficiency of animal foods is 25% or less, depending on the type of product according to Our World in Data.
[11] Animal agriculture imports 66% of its high-protein feed from outside the EU: 2024 JRC publication on the EU protein gap: