Let's save the Oder River from another disaster

To the European Commission, Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius and the Court of Justice of the European Union
This petition is run by [% inititator_name %]
We appeal to the European Commission and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) to:
- for the Commission to take up a complaint to the CJEU on the Polish government's violation of: the Water Framework Directive, the Habitats and the Birds Directives, and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive;
- for both institutions to intervene on the failure of the Polish authorities to respect and comply with the decisions of the Voivodeship Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court regarding the suspension of construction works regulating the Oder river.
Why is this important?
In 2022, a huge ecological disaster happened on the Oder river in Poland. Scientists estimate that half of the fish - many millions of individuals - weighing about 1,000 tonnes died. More than 90 per cent of mussels and crustaceans also perished [1], and the entire river ecosystem was destroyed or disrupted.
According to numerous scientific studies [2], the cause of the poisoning of the river was a toxin produced by an algae, whose presence had not previously been recorded in Polish rivers. In 2022, they had ideal conditions for growth.
Over a year has passed and the Polish government has not taken any significant steps to minimise the damage or prevent future disasters. This spring, a lot of dead fish have been found again in reservoirs near the Oder. [3] If we don’t start respecting this river, the ecological disaster is likely going to repeat itself over and over again.
In order to restore the Oder's ecosystem, it is necessary to stop regulating the river in order to increase its natural self-purification capacity, reduce the amount of pollutant discharges (especially brine from mines) and immediately launch renaturisation programmes (to restore the environment as close to its natural state as possible).
Activists have done everything they can on the national level to force the government to take action. [4] But those in power are even ignoring national court rulings. [5] It is time for the EU to step in.
The Polish government has violated EU law, including the Water Framework Directive and the Habitats Directive. [6] And the EU knows it. The activists behind this petition have met with the European Commission before and submitted a formal complaint. Now EU leaders need to hear from us.
If we show EU leaders that thousands of Europeans care about Odra, we can convince them to take decisive action right now, to prevent future disasters and save this precious river. Will you join the movement to save the Oder?
- https://lubuskie.pl/wiadomosci/20517/rzece-znow-grozi-katastrofa-a-odra-musi-byc-zywa-
https://ios.edu.pl/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/raport-konczacy-prace-zespolu-ds-sytuacji-w-odrze-2.pdf - including an EU report on the situation on the Oder:
https://environment.ec.europa.eu/news/oder-river-report-2023-02-17_en - https://oko.press/zlote-algi-juz-zabijaja
https://opolska360.pl/sniete-ryby-w-januszkowicach-wylowiono-okolo-200-sztuk/ - https://eko-unia.org.pl/stop-niszczeniu-odry-zlozylismy-skarge-do-ke/
https://eko-unia.org.pl/kosztowana-iluzja-zeglugi-srodladowej-na-polskich-wodach/ - Organisations from Poland and Germany challenged the destructive activities on the Odra river before two courts in Poland, which resulted in a legally binding decision to stop construction work on the border section of the Oder. However, the court ruling was ignored by the Polish government. A deputy minister responsible for water management openly announced that he would not comply with the verdict, calling the ordered halt to the works "an idiotic and radical measure".
https://szczecin.wyborcza.pl/szczecin/7,34939,29561414,marek-grobarczyk-obraza-sad-i-ignoruje-orzeczenie-nsa-chodzi.html - For example, the Polish government has approved a flood protection project, which in reality involves the construction of a waterway across the Oder river, without conducting an environmental impact assessment.