End forced sterilisation in the EU now!

The European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission.
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The European Commission presented a proposal for a directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence to the European Parliament and the Council on the 8th of March 2022.
We demand that the directive prohibit forced sterilisation and support measures to end this abuse in all EU Member States.
Why is this important?
Can you imagine waking up one day and being sterilised without your consent? Or trying to have children and finding out that you had been sterilised as a teenager without knowing it? This is happening now in Europe.
More than 100 million persons with disabilities live in Europe. They, especially women and girls with disabilities, continue to be sterilised against their will in the EU.
The United Nations Committee on the rights of persons with disabilities raised concerns over the fact that several EU Member States still authorise forced sterilisation naming Croatia, Czechia, Germany, France, Lithuania, and Slovakia. However, there is a lack of research and data on how many countries authorise such harmful practices, and how many women and girls are affected. Such harmful and terrible practices may still take place, in silence and impunity, in all EU member states. We need to ensure that persons with disabilities can enjoy healthy, dignified lives, free from violence and abuse.
Please sign our petition and spread the word in your network. #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #EndForcedSterilisation
Released in September 2022, our report “Forced sterilisation of persons with disabilities in the European Union” - also available in Easy-to-Read - reveals that at least 13 EU countries still authorise forced sterilisation. Due to this unacceptable situation, we are calling for the EU to insert a total ban on this practice in the upcoming legislation on combatting violence against women.